GPA and Financial Aid: How your Grades Affect your Student Loans

Are you at risk of losing your financial aid due to poor academic performance? We’ll go over the steps you need to take to keep your student loans in place.

When speaking to your academic advisor, make sure to ask questions about your college GPA and how failing or dropping a course could cause you to lose your financial aid.

Most students know very little about the role their college GPA plays in keeping them funded while in school. Although the guidelines often vary slightly from school to school, we have put together some general information to use as a “rule of thumb.”

What is SAP?

Before starting college, Macie knew of “sap” as something sticky that falls from trees. In college, SAP is an acronym that stands for satisfactory academic progress, and it has nothing to do with plant survival.

It does, however, relate to school survival. This is something Macie found out the hard way.

Federal financial aid, including Pell grants and other certain loans, requires that students make satisfactory academic progress while enrolled in school in order to keep their funding.

Usually, this means maintaining a 2.0 college grade point average. A 2.0 GPA is a “C” average and isn’t ideal, but it is typically good enough to keep the cash flowing for undergraduate students.

For those in graduate programs, the bar is often set much higher. Usually, grad students must maintain a 3.0 or higher.

Which brings us back to Macie, who made two Ds during her first semester and was shocked to learn that her financial aid was in jeopardy.

After all, a D isn’t a failing grade. What she didn’t consider is that D’s can tank her overall GPA. This is why it’s so important to use a financial aid calculator to keep track of where you are.

What Happens if My Grades Drop?

If your cumulative grade point average dips below a 2.0, you will no longer be considered to be in good academic standing. If this is the case for you, it’s likely that you have been (or will be) placed on academic probation.

This is a “watch period” in which financial aid is not usually lost. If this is where you are in the process, don’t be afraid to reach out to your academic advisor for help. Many schools have “fresh start” programs and success coaches that can assist students who are having trouble with keeping up their grade point average..

Once you have made it through another semester and raised your GPA, your probationary status should lift. However, if you fail to improve your grades to a satisfactory number, you will be at risk of being given a ‘warning’ which can affect the funding you receive. The third semester with a not so great GPA equals not only losing your financial aid but also being suspended or dismissed from school altogether.

Did you know that if you fail a class that financial aid paid for, this could create a balance on your account? This could result in you being responsible for paying the school back the course cost.

Of course, grant and loan types vary, as do the consequences for poor performance. For this reason, you should make sure that you understand all of the warning periods associated with your particular aid type.

What If I Fail a Class?

There is a second way that your financial aid can be affected by course GPA and this is when you actually fail a class. If you’ve received an F, most schools review your participation to see if you failed because you struggled with the content or if you simply didn’t try. If you participated less than 60% of the time (percentage may vary by school,) you could be at risk of owing your college the cost of the course.

This means that even if you have a GPA that is high enough to withstand one “F-bomb,” you could still lose your financial aid. For this reason, it’s usually better to drop a class early on than to stop participating and take a failing grade.

What Can I Do?

If you are worried about losing your financial aid because of problems with academic performance, now is not the time to bury your head in the sand. Like Macie from above, you will need to be proactive and explore all options for retaining satisfactory academic progress.

After talking to her guidance counselor, she was able to get pinpoint some of the obstacles that caused her to do poorly the first go-round. By cutting back her hours at her part-time job and hiring a tutor, Macie was able to pass the following semester with honors.

Other best practices include:

If you’re at risk of losing your financial assistance because of your academic performance, do not be afraid to reach out for help. A mistake that many students make is being too ashamed to share with anyone. This creates a cycle of failure that often leads to academic suspension.

It’s never too late to turn things around. Reread the bullets above and then reach out to your advisor for guidance. He or she is one of your best sources of support when it comes to academic success and will be glad to be in your corner.

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