Grammar Rules: i.e. and e.g.

grammar rules ie and eg

Learn the grammar rules for Latin abbreviations i.e. and e.g.

Occasionally, we come across the abbreviations i.e. and e.g., but what do they mean, and what is the difference between them? How do grammar rules apply?

These two terms originate in the Latin language and are just two of the many Latin phrases that have survived into modern language.

Both i.e. and e.g. are abbreviations for longer Latin phrases, so one of the smartest ways to memorize these terms is to learn what they stand for.

If you speak any of the Latin languages, you’ll have the upper hand in memorizing i.e. and e.g. And if you don’t speak any Latin languages, then here are some tips to help you better understand these two terms.

That is (i.e.)

Id est means “that is.” It can also mean “in other words.” According to our grammar rules, when this term is abbreviated, it is always written with periods between and after the letters: i.e., and it should always be followed by a comma, and then the remainder of the sentence. It often acts as a conjunction, linking two separate phrases or ideas together. It is interesting to note that the similar phrase il est is still fully alive in the French language, meaning “he is” or “it is.”


I am writing, i.e., I am putting my thoughts into words on paper.

I am writing, that is, I am putting my thoughts into words on paper.

For Example (e.g.)

Exempli gratia means “for the sake of example,” but we often construe it to simply mean “for example.” As with i.e., it is always written with periods between and after the letters when it is abbreviated. It is usually followed by a comma, but there may be exceptions based on context.


There are many Latin words and phrases that still exist in modern languages, e.g., carpe diem, which means “seize the day.”

There are many Latin words and phrases that still exist in modern languages, for example, carpe diem, which means “seize the day.”

Avoid a Mix-up: Tips for Remembering i.e. and e.g.

Abbreviated or not, these terms are not interchangeable. They simply do not mean the same thing. Still, they are often used in ways that are confusing, and since they look similar, they are easy to confuse. How to remember the difference?

These two abbreviations share the letter e. So, we must use the other letters, the i and the g, respectively, to remember which is which. The trick is to just remember one of them, and the easiest of the two is i.e., or that is.

If you can associate the i in i.e. with the word is, you’ll be fine, because e.g. doesn’t have the letter i, and neither does the phrase for example.

e.g. = for example

Another popular memory trick involves the made-up word eggsample, which starts with e.g. and sounds a lot like example (as in “for example or “for eggsample”), which, of course, is the meaning of e.g.).

Can you think of any other ways to easily remember i.e. and e.g.? Which Latin terms do you struggle with? Are there any grammar rules that confuse you? Leave a comment to share your thoughts or ask questions.

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Rhett Soveran - Epiblogger on January 21, 2008 at 8:39 am

“There are many Latin words and phrases which still exist in modern languages, e.g., carpe diem, which means seize the day.” It’s like a Latin sandwich! Great post. Stuff I should probably have known, but never bothered to remember. Reply

Rudy on January 21, 2008 at 11:27 am

This is a good point. I don’t normally use “e.g.” Now I have to start thinking about using “i.e.” more. The thought of “Internet Explorer” associated with that abbreviation saddens me. 😉 The other latin abbreviation that I like is “n.b.” or Nota Bene. When I isolate a note in a seperate paragraph, it implies that it needs a special attention. Reply

Erik on January 21, 2008 at 11:46 am I’d never heard of “n.b.” before. What does Nota Bene translate to? Reply btraven on May 21, 2015 at 1:18 pm A. Caleb Hartley on January 21, 2008 at 5:24 pm

When working with pilots in interpreting their union contract, our company’s contract expert told us to interpret i.e. as “in effect,” mening that whatever followed the i.e. was the only thing that the contract was referring to. He also said that e.g. could be interpreted as “example given,” meaning that the contract gives examples here, but that those are not the only possibilities. Hope that helps! Namaste,
A. Caleb Hartley Reply

Brad V. on January 21, 2008 at 5:24 pm

Hey great post! It’s amazing how we use these little abbreviations all the time without actually thinking about where they come from. I tend to use “e.g.” and “i.e.” interchangeably, even though it’s improper to do so. Now that I know the proper use for both, I won’t make that mistake again! The only other Latin abbreviation I’m familiar with is AD, which means “In the year of our Lord”. Reply

Trisha Fawver on January 21, 2008 at 6:39 pm

This is totally one of my pet peeves when seeing people mess this one up. I’m pointing to this post from now on when I see it used wrong 😛 Reply

Michele L. Tune - Writing the Cyber Highway on January 21, 2008 at 10:16 pm

Very good information, Melissa. I’ve never really thought about it before, but I guess I’ve avoided using these abbreviations. 🙁 Thanks for clarifying for us. I’m stumbling this post right now! Smiles,
Michele Reply

Melissa Donovan on January 22, 2008 at 11:44 am

@Rhett: There’s a lot of Latin in our language. I’d love to study Latin; it is a great way to gain better understanding of linguistics and etymology. @Rudy: I too rarely use e.g. because I tend to write out “for example.” I do use i.e. from time to time. @Erik: According to Wikipedia, Nota Bene means “note well,” i.e., “pay attention,” often used to draw reader’s attention to a side note. @A. Caleb: Those are great examples! In effect and example given…I’ll have to try and remember those! Thanks! @Brad: I think a lot of people use these interchangeably, which is one of the reasons I wanted to post on this topic. @Trisha: Thanks! It’s not a pet peeve for me. In fact, there’s a good chance mixing these up might escape my notice unless I am actively proofreading. @Michele: Thanks for the Stumble! Reply

--Deb on January 22, 2008 at 7:00 pm

I don’t know any Latin (except the odd phrase like Carpe Diem), and while I know the difference in usage between i.e. and e.g., I never actually knew what they stood for (grin). So, thanks! Reply

Melissa Donovan on January 23, 2008 at 11:28 am

@Deb: Thank you! I wasn’t sure this post would be of much interest to anyone, but it seems people do like to know these things and that makes me warm and fuzzy inside. Reply

DK on May 22, 2023 at 4:54 pm

@Melissa: Thank you for putting your time and effort into compiling a clear and concise way to interpret “i.e.” and “e.g.” Reply