How to get a title with a certificate of origin

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Explained: Certificate of Origin vs. Car Title

When titling and registering a new car, you may be asked to provide a certificate of origin to obtain your car title. While a car title serves as proof of ownership for a vehicle, a certificate of origin is a document that establishes the vehicle’s origin. In this blog, we will explore what a certificate of origin is for a car and how it differs from a car title.

What is a Certificate of Origin?

A certificate of origin (CO) is a document that is issued by the manufacturer of a vehicle. It proves that the car was produced by the manufacturer and meets specific standards and specifications. The CO contains information about the make and model of the vehicle, the manufacturer, and the date of manufacture.

The CO is typically required by state or federal agencies when titling and registering a new vehicle, as it provides essential information about the vehicle’s origin and manufacturing. The dealership or seller also uses it to transfer ownership of the car to the new owner. Think of the CO as the “birth certificate” for a car.

How is a Certificate of Origin Different from a Car Title?

While a certificate of origin and a car title relate to vehicle ownership, they serve different purposes. A car title is a legal document that serves as proof of vehicle ownership. It contains information about the current owner, the vehicle identification number (VIN), and any liens or other encumbrances on the vehicle.

On the other hand, a certificate of origin establishes the vehicle’s origin and confirms that it meets certain standards and specifications. The CO is issued by the vehicle manufacturer and is typically only used during the initial purchase and registration process. Once the vehicle is sold and titled, the CO is no longer needed.

In conclusion, a certificate of origin and a car title are important documents related to vehicle ownership. While a car title serves as proof of ownership, a certificate of origin establishes the vehicle’s origin and confirms that it meets specific standards and specifications. If you are purchasing a new car, make sure to get the certificate of origin from the dealership before applying for title and registration.

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