The classified pages are the largest market place in this area.
Our office is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call us at 910-891-1300, or email us at Classifieds Email.
Deadline for ads is 11:00 AM the day prior to publication. Please give us your name, address and phone number in case we need to reach you about an ad.
You can also email your ad directly to
Outside Classified Sales
If you are a realtor or car dealer and would like to speak to an outside Classified Sales Representative, you may contact Doreen Dean (910)230-2024 with questions you may have.
Legal Advertising
If you need information for placing a Legal Ad, please contact Martha Jones.
Display Advertising
Display ads are the ads found in the main body of the newspaper. For more information, please call one of our Advertising Sales Representatives who will be happy to answer your questions or come by your place of business to help you plan your advertising campaign to reach your best customers and prospects.
Retail Sales Representatives:
Doreen Dean: 910-230-2024
Patricia Williams: 910-230-2016
Maria House, Advertising Director: 910-230-2021
Internet Advertising
There are several options for advertising online with The Daily Record. For more information, please call our Advertising Director, Maria House, at 910-891-1234 or email
The Daily Record is an independent, family-owned newspaper celebrating over 60 years of service to Harnett, Sampson and Johnston Counties. It is published daily, Monday through Friday in the afternoons except postal holidays. If you have problems with the delivery of your paper, please don’t hesitate to call us at 910-891-1200.
Billing Questions
Our advertising billing department is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Advertising billing questions may be answered by calling Gayle Goss, at 910-230-2002 or emailing For Subscription billing questions, call Circulation at 910-891-1234 or email her at
In order to see that your news item is published in The Daily Record in a timely fashion, please see the categories below for the appropriate individuals to contact and the deadlines for the items.
Business News
Business news published every Thursday. This includes: new local businesses and expansions, major personnel changes, major awards, product developments, etc. Please contact the Business Editor at 910-230-2033 or send email to
The Daily Record Editorial Page provides a regular forum for community opinion in Letters To The Editor. Letters may be typed or clearly handwritten or printed and may be brought or mailed to The Daily Record (Letters To The Editor, The Daily Record, P.O. Box 1448 or 99 W. Broad Street, Dunn, N.C. 28335), or emailed to
Letters should be signed (unless emailed) , should be concise as possible and should emphasize topics of public interest. To be published, letters must be accompanied by the name and street address or P.O. Box of the writer or writers. Telephone numbers will not be published but should be included with letters in case The Daily Record should need to contact the writer/s for clarification, etc.
We welcome any news tips, comments or questions about news coverage. We love to hear about feature ideas, new neighbors moving into town, former residents moving back or any areas of coverage that you think our readers need or would like, to know about. Please email us at
You can also send email to the Sound Off Column. Sound off calls (910-891-4444), faxes and emails remain confidential and anonymous. Obituaries
The Daily Record receives obituary news directly from the funeral home in charge of arrangements. The Daily Record does not charge for publishing most standard obituary news. Call our office to see if your obituary would qualify for the free publication or if there would be a charge. For next-day publication, the deadline for obituary information is 4:30 p.m., Sunday through Thursday. For more information, contact Jan Ross or call (910) 891-1234 or (910) 230-2014.
Social Happenings
Social Happenings Editor can be reached in person at The Daily Record during business hours, by email ( ) or by mail (P.O. Box 1448, Dunn, N.C. 28335).
The Daily Record’s Social Happenings pages cover a wide range of community life – engagements, weddings, anniversaries, reunions, civic club projects and much more. Engagement announcements and any other announcements for the Social pages should be received several days before the date of actual publication.
Wedding announcements should be submitted within two weeks of the event.
There is no charge to publish wedding announcements if you follow Daily
Record guidelines. Information on weddings more than 30 days old will be
published without a date and only in part. Events more than 60 days old will
not be published as a free announcement. For more information, please call 910-891-1234 or email
Sports News
Al Myatt, Sports Editor, bring you the sports news of numerous local and area schools as well as local recreational leagues. Personal involvement coupled with a commitment to excellence insures our readers a thorough look at sports. Due to the extensive area we have to cover, we may not be able to attend each game at the middle school level. We welcome your help in sending in the stats and scores. Just email your information to Sports News.
For more information on Sports News, call 910-230-2032 or email Al Myatt at
We welcome readers to share their opinions with the community through Record Forum. Original letters must be signed and include the author’s address and telephone number
for verification. Letters carrying multiple signatures will carry the name of the first signer.
Letters are subject to editing and almost all letters longer than 300 words will be edited for length.
We cannot publish more than one letter per writer per month.
Mail letters to P.O. Box 1448, Dunn, NC, 28335 or bring to the office at 99 W. Broad St. between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. or fax to 910-891-5253 or e-mail to
If you see news happening or have a story idea, please e-mail us at
If you have a comment for our SOUND OFF section of the newspaper, please call 891-4444 and leave your message. You have 30 seconds, so please speak slowly and clearly.
Or send e-mail to Not all calls or emails will be printed and are subject to being edited.
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