Print PDF a file in C++

Sample C++ code for using Apryse SDK to print a PDF file using the currently selected default printer. It is possible to use this printing functionality in both client and server applications without dependence on any third party components. Learn more about our C++ PDF Library.

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//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (c) 2001-2021 by PDFTron Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved. // Consult legal.txt regarding legal and license information. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include  #include  #include  // new Print API #include #include "../../LicenseKey/CPP/LicenseKey.h" using namespace std; using namespace pdftron; using namespace PDF; /** * The following sample is a simplest C/C++ program used to illustrate how to print * PDF document using currently selected default printer. In this sample, PDF::Print class * is used to send data to the printer. * * Following this function is the more complex way of using PDFDraw directly. * * The first example uses the new PDF::Print::StartPrintJob function to send a rasterization * of the document with optimal compression to the printer. If the OS is Windows 7, then the * XPS print path will be used to preserve vector quality. * * The second example uses PDFDraw send unoptimized rasterized data via the print path. * * If you would like to rasterize page at high resolutions (e.g. more than 600 DPI), you * should use PDFRasterizer or PDFNet vector output instead of PDFDraw. */ int main()  PDFNet::Initialize(LicenseKey); try  // Relative path to the folder containing test files. string input_path = "../../TestFiles/"; PDFDoc doc((input_path + "tiger.pdf").c_str()); doc.InitSecurityHandler(); // Set our PrinterMode options PrinterMode printerMode; printerMode.SetCollation(true); printerMode.SetCopyCount(1); printerMode.SetDPI(600); // regardless of ordering, an explicit DPI setting overrides the OutputQuality setting printerMode.SetDuplexing(PrinterMode::e_Duplex_Auto); // If the XPS print path is being used, then the printer spooler file will // ignore the grayscale option and be in full color printerMode.SetOutputColor(PrinterMode::e_OutputColor_Grayscale); printerMode.SetOutputQuality(PrinterMode::e_OutputQuality_Medium); // printerMode.SetNUp(2,1); // printerMode.SetScaleType(PrinterMode::e_ScaleType_FitToOutputPage); // Print the PDF document to the default printer, using "tiger.pdf" as the document // name, send the file to the printer not to an output file, print all pages, set the printerMode // and don't provide a cancel flag. Print::StartPrintJob(doc, UString(""), doc.GetFileName(), UString(""), NULL, &printerMode, NULL ); > catch(Common::Exception& e)  std::cout   ::endl; > catch(...)  std::cout  <"Unknown Exception"  ::endl; > PDFNet::Terminate (); // Done with PDFNet related stuff -------------------- return 0; > ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The second example uses PDFDraw send unoptimized rasterized data via the print path. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include  // only needed for more complex example #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__WINRT__) #include #include #include // Return HDC for the default printer HDC GetDefaultPrinterDC(void); int PrintUsingPDFDraw ()  PRINTDLG pd; pd.lStructSize = sizeof(pd); pd.hDevMode = NULL; pd.hDevNames = NULL; pd.Flags = PD_USEDEVMODECOPIESANDCOLLATE | PD_RETURNDC | PD_HIDEPRINTTOFILE | PD_NOSELECTION | PD_NOPAGENUMS; pd.nCopies = 1; pd.nFromPage = 0xFFFF; pd.nToPage = 0xFFFF; pd.nMinPage = 1; pd.nMaxPage = 0xFFFF; pd.hDC = GetDefaultPrinterDC(); DOCINFOA docinfo; memset(&docinfo, 0, sizeof(DOCINFO)); docinfo.cbSize = sizeof(docinfo); docinfo.lpszDocName = "My Test"; docinfo.fwType = 0; docinfo.lpszDatatype = (LPSTR) 0; docinfo.lpszOutput = (LPSTR)0; int nError = StartDocA(pd.hDC, &docinfo); if(nError == SP_ERROR)  MessageBoxA(NULL, "Error", "Error, Printing", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); return 1; > // Start with PDFNew related stuff ----------------------- PDFNet::Initialize(); try  // Relative path to the folder containing test files. string input_path = "../../TestFiles/"; PDFDoc doc((input_path + "tiger.pdf").c_str()); doc.InitSecurityHandler(); PDFDraw pdfdraw; pdfdraw.SetRasterizerType(PDFRasterizer::e_BuiltIn); // Note: If you would like to rasterize page at high resolutions (e.g. more // than 600 DPI), you should use PDFRasterizer. pdfdraw.SetDPI(200); // Set DPI (Dots Per Inch). pdfdraw.SetPrintMode(true); for (PageIterator itr = doc.GetPageIterator(); itr.HasNext(); itr.Next())  nError = StartPage(pd.hDC); if(nError == SP_ERROR)  MessageBoxA(NULL, "Error", "Error, Printing", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); AbortDoc(pd.hDC); return 1; > // Obtain the size of printer page (in pixels). PDF::Rect r; bool use_physical_page = false; if (use_physical_page) // Use the physical page for printing. Note: the physical page is almost always // greater than the printable area of the page, and never smaller. r.x1 = -GetDeviceCaps(pd.hDC, PHYSICALOFFSETX); r.y1 = -GetDeviceCaps(pd.hDC, PHYSICALOFFSETY); r.x2 = GetDeviceCaps(pd.hDC, PHYSICALWIDTH) - GetDeviceCaps(pd.hDC, PHYSICALOFFSETX); r.y2 = GetDeviceCaps(pd.hDC, PHYSICALHEIGHT) - GetDeviceCaps(pd.hDC, PHYSICALOFFSETY); > else  // use the printable area of the page for printing. r.x1 = r.y1 = 0; r.x2 = GetDeviceCaps(pd.hDC, PHYSICALWIDTH) - GetDeviceCaps(pd.hDC, PHYSICALOFFSETX) * 2; r.y2 = GetDeviceCaps(pd.hDC, PHYSICALHEIGHT) - GetDeviceCaps(pd.hDC, PHYSICALOFFSETY) * 2; > // Convert page rectangle dimensions to points. One PDF point is 1/72 of an inch. // LOGPIXELSX/Y returns number of pixels per logical inch along the screen width/height. double conv_x2pts = 72.0/GetDeviceCaps(pd.hDC, LOGPIXELSX); double conv_y2pts = 72.0/GetDeviceCaps(pd.hDC, LOGPIXELSY); r.x1 *= conv_x2pts; r.y1 *= conv_y2pts; r.x2 *= conv_x2pts; r.y2 *= conv_y2pts; pdfdraw.DrawInRect(itr.Current(), pd.hDC, r); // Print the page EndPage(pd.hDC); > > catch(Common::Exception& e)  std::cout   ::endl; > catch(...)  std::cout  <"Unknown Exception"  ::endl; > PDFNet::Terminate (); // Done with PDFNet related stuff -------------------- EndDoc(pd.hDC); DeleteDC(pd.hDC); return 0; > HDC GetDefaultPrinterDC(void)  char szPrinter[80]; char *szDevice, *szDriver, *szOutput; GetProfileStringA("WINDOWS", "DEVICE", ". ", szPrinter, 80); szDevice = strtok(szPrinter, ","); szDriver = strtok(NULL, ","); szOutput = strtok(NULL, ","); if ( !szDevice || !szDriver || !szOutput ) return 0; else return CreateDCA( szDriver, szDevice, szOutput, NULL ); return 0; > #endif //_WIN32