Your Phentermine Food Plan

Your Phentermine Food Plan

To lose weight with phentermine and keep it off for good, remove the word ‘diet’ from your vocabulary, and instead, focus on establishing a phentermine food plan which will maximize the effects of phentermine while also setting you up for long-term weight loss.

The key to your phentermine food plan is just that, planning!

This means planning ahead with meal ideas, prepared snacks, and a kitchen full of healthy food to make it easier for you to adopt healthy habits and find ways to incorporate the foods you love into your eating schedule.

Read on for tips to create your own perfect phentermine food plan.

How to Get Started with Planning Ahead

When you’re starting out, planning menus ahead of time can seem daunting, but a key is a simple approach. Here’s how to get started:

1. Use Familiar Recipes

Starting off simply means sticking with what you know as you get used to managing your lifestyle on phentermine.

Plan meals around these foods and remember to maximize your phentermine weight loss potential by avoiding acidifying foods and drinks as much as possible.

Write out all your go-to dishes, and then plan the first week around them.

Although trying out new recipes can be fun and keep things interesting, you can add these to your repertoire later, once you have your new routine established.

2. Work With Your Schedule

For your weekly plan to work, it needs to fit with your schedule, which means planning when you can shop, prepare things, and when you can actually make the meals you’ve scheduled.

Always try to make things easy for yourself by planning meals that contain similar ingredients on consecutive nights to save on waste, and schedule meals with fresh ingredients in the days after your weekly shop, so that you can then rely on spiced-up basic supplies, pantry reserves, and leftovers when your fresh ingredients are running out.

3. Take Your Plan Shopping

Having your phentermine food plan in front of you, as well as your usual list, makes shopping a whole lot easier, as it makes forgetting ingredients less likely.

It also prepares you for how many people you’ll be cooking for and when, and whether buying in bulk can work with your plan if there’s a special offer.

4. Display Your Plan

Forget the color-coordinated menu plans.

Just write everything clearly on a piece of paper and display it on the fridge. This way, you and your family can see what’s for dinner, plus it serves as a reminder of what you need to get out of the freezer or buy fresh on the day.

Planning Snacks

While phentermine helps to suppress appetite, it’s normal to be hungry during the morning or afternoon if you’re going five or six hours between meals.

Don’t be fooled into thinking planning ahead with your snacks is not important; in fact, smart snacking is a great way to avoid cravings.

So, remember to think ahead when it comes to snacks as these are the stop-gaps in between meals, which we often forget to plan for and can therefore be our undoing.

To avoid this, first, list snack options; as with general planning, make a list of the healthy snacks you enjoy eating; these foods to eat while taking phentermine should give you some ideas.

If you’re following a calorie-controlled diet, figure the calorific value of snacks into the equation so you know how much you can allow yourself.

A good rule of thumb for a snack is around 100-150 calories, which allows for a serving of nuts, fruit, and veg-based snacks like smoothies or crudites, boiled eggs, or low-fat yogurt.

Aim to include filling food types such as protein, healthy fats, and fiber in your snacking plans to keep hunger at bay for longer.

Prep your snacks, so you’re ready to go and don’t have too much work to do when hunger strikes.

This will involve measuring quantities and dividing them into plastic containers or bags, and if you plan to eat food that requires cooking, try to limit yourself to cooking your weekly supply of snacks once a week – this way, you save time and ensure that you’re always prepared for the week ahead.

Planning Meals

Planning Meals

Home cooking is a healthy habit that will save you calories and money, plus you’ll be able to find ways to work the foods that you love into your phentermine food plan by making them at home so that you can opt for smart swaps and cut corners on calories.

But, home cooking can be time-consuming, especially if you have a busy lifestyle like so many of us these days. One of the key strategies to make planning easier is to cook once and eat twice, if not more.

For example, the chicken you combined with brown rice and steamed veggies can be served with a salad on Tuesday, and half the stew you prepared on Wednesday can be frozen and eaten on a busy day next week.

And of course, making enough for tonight’s dinner and tomorrow’s lunch is a great way to make sure that your phentermine weight loss schedule is really working for you by helping you to avoid eating out or the dreaded vending machine.

When it comes to being prepared, not only will your freezer be essential for storing leftovers and prepared meal batches, but it’s also a great idea to stock up on frozen vegetables for when you inevitably run out of fresh ingredients.

As you make your plan for the week, it’s best to schedule meals involving fresh produce for the start of the week and then use frozen vegetables like peas, spinach, and corn for when fresh supplies are running low – this way, you can avoid buying too much fresh produce and wasting it.

Your Phentermine Food Plan Schedule

Following on from the best phentermine weight loss schedule, here we show you a typical day in your phentermine food plan:

First Thing

After taking your phentermine with a big glass of water, if you plan to work out before breakfast, then it’s best to have a small energy-boosting snack, such as half a banana or a few almonds.

For breakfast, while keeping within your calorie limit, if you have one, make sure to include around 10 grams of both fiber and protein, so think fruit and veggies, whole grain toast, fiber-packed cereals, boiled or poached eggs, dairy, and nut butter.

If you’re off to work, then you shouldn’t leave until you have lunch planned out, whether it’s last night’s leftovers, a mason jar salad, or ingredients to make something at work, plus your snacks for mid-morning and mid-afternoon.


Although phentermine helps to suppress appetite, a fiber-filled snack of around 150 calories at about 10 am will keep hunger pangs at bay and ensure that you don’t get too ravenous before lunchtime – long periods of not eating can result in eating too quickly and ultimately over-eating at your next meal, which is definitely best avoided.

Keeping hydrated with lots of water should also help to suppress your appetite and boost the effects of phentermine while also soothing the common phentermine side effect of dry mouth.


Now it’s time to enjoy your lunch, whether it’s freshly made or packed.

Whatever you do, step away from the phone, TV, or computer screen and enjoy your lunch without distractions, which is a good habit to get into to have a healthy relationship with food and avoid mindless overeating.


A healthy snack around 3-4 pm is a good idea as it ensures that you won’t get too hungry before dinner and end up mindlessly snacking while you cook.

This could be something sweet such as fruit, a healthy smoothie, or a few squares of dark chocolate, as studies show that a small indulgence can prevent overeating and sweet cravings later.

As well as keeping hydrated with water all throughout the day, the caffeine boost of green tea is a great pick-me-up during the afternoon.

Plus, green tea is packed with antioxidants and has been shown to suppress appetite, boost metabolism, and help reduce abdominal fat.


Now it’s time to either whip up a low-calorie dinner filled with veggies, low-fat protein, and whole grains, or if you’re pushed for time, then one of your freezer meals is the perfect solution!

Whatever’s for dinner, make sure to plate up each dish rather than allow people to help themselves, as this avoids overeating before your brain realizes that your stomach is full.

Put away any leftovers in Tupperware before sitting down to eat to prevent going back for unnecessary seconds.

A glass of fresh juice or a piece of fruit will satisfy your sweet tooth after dinner, and then you should brush your teeth; minty fresh breath will prevent late-night snacking and is one of many great tips that can help control your appetite.

By forgetting your ‘diet’ and instead following this phentermine food plan from now on, you’ll ensure that achieving the ultimate goal of long-term weight loss is all the more possible.

So, what are you waiting for – let’s get planning!

What food plan do you follow? If you have any questions, suggestions, or advice, let us know by leaving a comment.

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